Dr. Prahlad Shenava | Orthodontist & Invisalign Doctor in Whitefield, Bangalore
Dr. Prahlad Shenava, BDS, MDS, MOrth RCPS, is an Orthodontist and Dentofacial Orthopaedist who super specializes in Invisalign. He is one of the foremost Invisalign providers in India. His unique distinction and penchant to attain perfection in every case however challenging it may be, using digital smile designingattracts clients from across the globe and thereby caters to a patient base spanning several continents.
Having completed his Bachelor’s degree from the renowned JSS Dental College & Hospital, Mysore; he went on to pursue his true interest of transforming people’s lives by designing beautiful smiles and enrolled himself in the country’s premier Orthodontic training program. At Bapuji Dental College & Hospital, Davangere; Dr. Shenava obtained his post graduate degree in Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedicsunder the guidance of the eminent Prof. Dr. K. Sadashiva Shetty. He then super specialized in Invisalign and got certified as an Invisalign provider by Dato’ Dr. How Kim Chuan, Malaysia.
Dr. Shenava has successfully completed his Speciality Diploma i.e., Membership in Orthodontics conducted by The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, UK; essentially demonstrating a thorough understanding of diagnosis and treatment planning over a wide range of problems in Orthodontics, together with a high level of expertise in carrying out Orthodontic treatment as per the UK standards.
Dr. Shenava keeps himself abreast with the latest in the field by undergoing advanced training in various aspects of Orthodontics. He was hand-picked to be a part of the InvisalignStep Up program mentored by top provider and international speaker Dr. Willy Dayan from Canada.Given his in depth understanding of the modality, he’s displayed impressive results even in moderate to severelycomplicated cases. In 2018, he set a personal milestone by achieving the tag of being the country’s youngest and fastest to have become a Silver Invisalign provider.
Dr Shenava has been an instructor for several MBT Hands-on Workshops and guides budding Orthodontists to help better their practice. He has a cumulative experience of over 10 years and believes in learning to be aneveryday endeavour.
Dr Prahlad Shenava is currently a member of the Indian Orthodontic Society and is registered with the Karnataka State Dental Council. He’s associated as a Consultant with the Apollo group of Hospitals, Bangalore amongst other prestigious organizations.